A Strategy To Save Money Grocery Shopping

A Strategy To Save Money Grocery Shopping

Most people are looking for an easy way to save money on groceries shopping, and with good reason. Grocery shopping is expensive. Most people need a strategy to save money buying groceries.

The problem with strategies are, you need to test them before you can say “this works”. And the problem with the test period is it usually costs money. Here’s a strategy you can test in one day and you’re not required to buy anything. All you need to do is spend a little time doing research.

The strategy is to price what you would normally buy (according to your meal plan). Price the generics separately from the store brands?

If you think you are saving all you can save. You shoud read my article 9 ways to audit your grocery spending and save money.

There’s an example later on.

This Technique Saves Money on Grocery Shopping

First you will want to test this method of saving money. You’ll need a meal planner, budget, and shopping list.

This is a strategy to save money on grocery shopping. If you concentrate on finding the bargains you will save so much money. This will help you to stop wasting money on food. 

For the purpose of this test, I recommend using a one-week meal planner. It’ll be easier because you’ll have fewer days and products to price compare.

After you’ve determined if this will work for you—you can make a larger meal planner if you wish.

1. The idea of a meal planner is to list everything you’ll need in order to feed your household for a week. This should include snacks and drinks, coffee, coke, etc…

2. Make a shopping list of all the ingredients you’ll need to make the meals and all snacks. This shopping list will look different from other shopping list because you are going to include two additional columns for price comparison. One for generics and one for store brands.

3. The shopping list should include the amount you will need. If your family is into tuna helper and you go thru 3 6oz cans of tuna a week. List 3 6 Oz. cans of tuna.

4. You should include all items even if you have them today because you may not have them later and you will still need them to make your meals.

Your shopping list should look something like the one below.

This will also help you save money buying groceries in bulk.

compare the prices

Which are cheaper generics or store brands?

  • Take your shopping list to the store you most often shop. Fill in the appropriate amounts for the generics and store brands.
  •  Write the amount for the generic brand in the appropriate spot and the amount of the store brand in its appropriate spot.
  •  After you’ve finished, take your shopping list home and compare the prices between the generic and the store brand.
  • Are there some store bands that are cheaper than generics? (Exclude on-sale or discounted items.) If there are, these items should be bought instead of the generic.

Now add the generic column and the store brand column. Which is cheaper?

PRO TIP: When price comparing, compare oz. to oz. When possible.

PRO TIP: When looking at the shelf. The most expensive items are about eye level high. To find the less expensive products look above and below the higher-priced items that are at eye level.

A strategy to save money grocery shopping is an easy way to save money.  You can do it over and over again, making it a very useful shopping tool.

Saving money on groceries isn’t only frugal but also very smart. There’re so many ways to easily save money on groceries. This article shows you how you can save money buying generic. With a little work and a little research, you can save a lot of money. Try this technique and enjoy your new savings.


Douglas Antrim