When Does Buying In Bulk Save Money

When Does Buying In Bulk Save Money

We have all heard that buying in bulk saves money, but does it save money, or is this just a mirage? Are we being tricked by a marketing scheme? When does buying in bulk save money?

The short answer is you can save money buying in bulk. But to save money because you bought in bulk is a different issue. More about this later. 

Most people want to know how to stop wasting money on food, and they want to reduce food waste. They are trying to save money on food.

The good news is that you can save money on food and groceries. A common technique is to stockpile food for future use

when does buying in bulk save money

What Is The Meaning Of Buying In Bulk 

You purchase large quantities of a product or products, usually at a discounted price.

To buy in bulk, you don’t have to be a wholesale club member. You can still buy large amounts of food at your local grocery store. And you don’t need to buy a pallet of food to buy in bulk. 

Buying in bulk means purchasing a lot of one or more items. 

When Does Buying In Bulk Save Money

You can almost always save money by buying your groceries in bulk, but that doesn’t make it a good idea. What about milk and produce that spoil quickly? You will spend a lot for the product to go bad later. 

 You spend less buying the number of perishable items than if you had paid the retail price, but it will cost you in the end when it spoils. 

Buying in bulk saves you money because you pay less per unit of measure (usually ounces). This applies when you purchase items from your regular grocery store that are on sale or generic. 

How Much Does Buying In Bulk Save 

Buying in bulk can mean good savings. It’s estimated a person can save 25% by buying in size compared to their counterparts.

Assuming you heed a few common sense rules, you can save money. 

If your grocery bill is four hundred dollars every two weeks, you will save two hundred dollars a month. That’s huge. At the end of a year, that’s twenty-four hundred dollars. What could you do with an extra two thousand dollars?

Common Sense Rules

  1. Don’t buy what you would not usually buy
  2. Don’t buy what you can’t store properly 
  3. Don’t buy items that will go bad quickly
  4. Use your food planner to determine when you will eat the food 

Why Is Buying In Bulk Cheaper 

There are several reasons why buying in bulk is cheaper 

You buy larger containers meaning less packaging 

The outlet you buy from gets a reduced rate for buying so much at a time.

The item or items is on sale. 

Advantages Of Buying In Bulk 

  • You save time and money. You save money because you buy at discount rates. You save time by making fewer trips to the store.
  • Sometimes, you can order ahead and have it delivered to your home. 

Disadvantages Of Buying Bulk 

  • You may need to find an appropriate place to store the food. 
  • You may have difficulty using an item up before its best-before date.
  • Keeping family members out of the extra food. 

Bringing It All Together

Earlier, I said. The short answer is you can save money buying in bulk. But to save money because you bought in bulk is a different issue. This is later. 

Buying in bulk when you find an item or items you usually use at a discounted price, buy more than you need for now. 

If your shopping list calls for three cans of tomatoes, you could buy twelve cans and enjoy the saving over the next four weeks.

If you are going to do this, you need to have funds that are not your grocery funds. You need a fund that’s something like an extra food fund, so you don’t wreck your budget. 

Whatever you call it, add it to your budget and plan for it. 

Be Fair To Your Budget

I’m very stuck on the budget thing. I just suggested you start a separate fund to purchase food on sale for further savings. You will use the food you bought on sale more often, decreasing your grocery bill.

The next logical step is to pay back the amount you took from the fund to buy extra groceries. So you can buy more groceries in bulk. 

Mark the containers the amount you will need to buy the item from you. After you have used up all of the food you purchased at a discount (and paid your fund back), you have eaten all those meals at a discount and have your original amount back. That’s a win-win for you.


When does buying in bulk save money? The answer is almost always. You will pay less when you buy in bulk. After buying the food at a discounted price, you will save money. But if you keep this saving is up to you. 

If you buy in bulk, take it home, and use it as planned by your food planner, you will save money. 

You may lose money if you go home and disregard your food plan. 

Douglas Antrim