Frugal living as a single person is equally as challenging as doing so with a partner. It is something that should be done with great consistency and specific measures. But what exactly is frugal living? Does living a frugal life mean you are cheap? Contrary to popular beliefs, frugal living does not only revolve around pinching pennies and depriving yourself of things that bring you joy; it is certainly more than that. It is one of the keys to gaining complete control over your finances and helps pay off debts. Frugality is about more than living as cheaply as you can. Instead, it’s about making mindful choices that allow you to save more money, straying you away from all the possible appearances of unwanted financial dilemmas in the long run.

As easy as it may come off, frugal living is no light task. It requires a tantamount level of patience and perseverance. However, in living frugally, it is essential to note that you need to have a frugal mindset. How do you get one? Put, be mindful of your money and end frivolous spending. It is also essential to be intentional with your spending, carefully consider the value of something before you reach for your wallet, and eliminate wastefulness. You must also consider that frugality ultimately means living a fuller life, so save where you can to spend where you want. Likewise, consider developing frugal habits over time and make financial resolutions that will guide you toward learning how to be frugal. And once you get to realize the benefits of being frugal, you must strictly adhere and stick to it. By then, you will master the art of living frugally.


Here are some ideas on how to get a frugal mindset, which you can then incorporate into diverse areas of your frugal living life.

Embrace Frugal Living

In embracing a frugal lifestyle, you must be excited about what you are doing. It should be one of your top priorities. Frugal living must be as important to you as watching the Sunday night game. It should be taken seriously at all costs, and rather than speaking poorly about it, one must be knowledgeable enough about its advantages. Never self-talk negatively about what you are doing. You must remember that frugal living will not only give you a sigh of relief but eliminate the many opportunities of you becoming financially destitute.
One crucial aspect of embracing frugal living is avoiding temptation. You can only achieve such a way of life if you learn to avoid your weaknesses.
If credit cards are your weak spot, Leave them at home or work. Leave them somewhere you can retrieve them, but make it so you must be mindful of your actions and why.

If it’s your favorite coffee shop, take a different route to where you are going.

I’m sure you get the idea.

Determine Wants And Needs To Shape Up Your Spending Habits

Being able to fully distinguish your wants from your needs is a key factor in shaping your spending habits.

It’s essential to analyze your spending to have a successful frugal lifestyle.
In determining your wants and needs, it is necessary to note that understanding the difference between wants and needs plays a fundamental role in all your money-related activities – from budgeting, saving, and investing. So you must learn to identify which is which. Needs are those things considered vital to living. Something essential for survival and growth. These include clothes to wear, foods to eat on a day-to-day basis, a car as your mode of transport, a house to settle in, and most significantly, education.

On the other hand, wants are the little bonuses that make your life enjoyable but are not crucial for your financial well-being.

Likewise, in achieving a frugal lifestyle, you must learn to save money by tracking your spending. Only then will you be able to save because you will have a clear view of your spending. Pay attention to where your money goes – both in and out. That way, you can manage all your finances in a way that works for you. In addition, upon living frugally, create a monthly budget and let it guide you. Your monthly budget shall include all things that are essential to survive. And in making one, try to reflect and ask yourself, “Do I need to buy or pay for this?” If it’s a need, can it be less expensive?

If it’s a want, do I have enough money to make this purchase, and can I find it cheaper elsewhere?

Put An End To Instant Gratification

We struggle to save money because we lack the vision of life after frugal. It makes giving in to impulse buying and immediate gratification easier and requires more self-discipline to overcome.
We derive a certain amount of satisfaction from making impulse purchases.
A lot of that satisfaction is us being in charge NOW. And we receive something now.
It’s important to rationalize with your future self that when you make a frugal decision now, you are in charge now.
In the same way, you are in charge now when you decide to make an impulse purchase.
The only difference is immediate satisfaction. It is physical, and now.
Learn to take immediate satisfaction when making frugal decisions.
Rationalize with your future self and understand that by making this frugal decision now, you will be better prepared in the future.


Master How To Be Frugal With Foods

When considering food consumption, saving money could get complicated because we have to eat. Who in their right mind would say no to food? I reckon no one. But in frugal living, one must learn how to cut food expenditures, like dining out at a fancy restaurant once a week. You must also limit your eating out expenses; subscribe to a meal plan instead. Rather than treating yourself out at expensive diners, cook at home. Of course, it isn’t wrong to treat yourself out even just for once after a tiring day, but like they say, learn to know your limits. Cook a delicious meal and embrace the soothing feeling you cannot get from those fancy places outside but only in your home. Moreover, make sure to go food shopping ahead of time and take a shopping list with you to avoid inconveniences along the way.


Get Creative How to Live Thrifty

Being thrifty contributes to a well-managed, frugal lifestyle. A thrifty way to become more economical in your home is reducing your water usage by having short showers. Doing this will lower your electricity bills and therefore help you spend less. Also, adjust your thermostat or seek out another product to save money in the long run. A few more ways to become thrifty are switching from paper towels to reusable rags and reusing resealable baggies. Be creative; think outside the box. Instead of purchasing cleaning materials, learn how to make your own.
When it comes to your mode of transportation, you can save by seeking out alternative transportation. This includes the following:
Using motorbikes instead of cars
Utilizing bicycles
Using public transportation such as trains and buses
Simply walking if you can
Here are some equally essential tips for being frugal with money while entertaining. The first is to seek out affordable entertainment. A gym pass can be pricey, so to hit two birds with one stone, ditch it, and find other free fitness options. Moreover, you can also hit the local trails (public parks). Likewise, check out local museums that do not ask for admission fees. Plus, find movie showings that offer a lower price.

Focus On Yourself

It should not come as a surprise to you that frugal living involves a lot of self-introspection. Self-introspection, as defined in psychology, objectively examines your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. This concept plays a crucial role in living frugally because it enables you to distinguish right from wrong by reflecting on yourself and your actions. You must also use positive affirmation and strongly commit to making changes. These two relate to frugal living in that they ensure you are on the right track and keep you from falling below a baseline of subsistence.

Further, be strong in your conviction to spend money frugally. Avoid temptations, whether big or small. Don’t compete with materialistic possessions, as it will only give you a sense of satisfaction for a short while. Focus on your behavior by taking on challenges to be wise with money. Lastly, never back down on what you got yourself into, and be consistent.

Commit To Living A Frugal Life

You will most likely hear the sentiment: commitment is the foundation of great accomplishments. As accurate as it is, frugal living also requires commitment. But how can you achieve that? Foremost, continually set and adjust your financial goals. Be flexible; only then will you be able to overcome unforeseen changes. Also, stay motivated and focused. If you need to track your motivation, consider why you took such a leap.

Further, being committed to a frugal lifestyle means you must have control over your debt. As much as possible, try to avoid having one or settle it as soon as you can. You must also eliminate your credit cards and use different saving habits like sinking funds.

Stop Wasting Money By Impressing Others

Undeniably, spending money on things currently hyped by the masses is human nature. In today’s time, keeping up with the buzz is more than just a want; it’s a necessity. No matter how hard we try to deny it, some people love showing off, for instance, buying a much nicer car than you can afford to prove a point. There is nothing wrong with this if you’re a rich man whose only problem is where to spend his buckets of money. However, if you live frugally, such a mindset will not work. Learn your priorities, and stop wasting money by impressing others. That won’t give you anything in return but a short-term sense of pride, which is not impressive in the frugal world.


The stigma associated with frugal living that it’s all about being as cheap as possible has been taken out of context. It’s ignorant if one perceives frugal living this way when it opens you up to many more beneficial options. Embracing such a way of life allows you to get by with more money as you can pay debts faster. The ideas mentioned are only a few ways to get a frugal mindset. But overall, they all arrived at only a common point: having a frugal mindset when living frugally gives you many chances of being financially secure.



















































Douglas Antrim