Frugal Living Provides Opportunities For Investing

Frugal Living Provides Opportunities For Investing

Are you looking for more money to invest? Maybe you aren’t investing now and want to start. Frugal living provides opportunities for investing. You can find the money you spend habitually, and doesn’t bring you joy or get you closer to your goals. This is one place you can discover more money to save to invest.

Frugal living has many benefits. It improves your decision-making skills and increases your resourcefulness.

You spend money in so many places and don’t need to. You could save a little here and a little there. Think about coupons; you can save some money. Or the gas you didn’t burn because you walked and didn’t drive. There are ways to save money all around us. And small amounts add up to significant savings.

If you want more money to invest, keep reading and learn how frugal living can help you save money.

Living a frugal lifestyle will give you more money to invest. You will save money on things you don’t care about, leaving you more money for what you care about.
Frugal Living Provides Opportunities For Investing

When you live frugally, you direct your money to things that are important to you. If investing or investing more is important to you, you will have more money to invest because you are not spending money on things that aren’t important to you. Frugal living provides opportunities for investing.

frugal living mkes oppor= frugal living provides opportunities for investing

Is Investing Important To You?

Look for ways to spend less. That’s being frugal. But start small and work yourself up to more important things. Do the small things you can easily accomplish first.

Look For Waste

Not all pleasantries are waste; you need to decide what brings you joy and makes you happy. But think about some of the suggestions below.

Magazine Subscribes

If you don’t read these magazines and they find their way to the coffee table and are ignored, cancel the subscription.

Gym Memberships

When was the last time you went to the Gym? Once again, if you use it, keep it. If you don’t use it, get rid of it.
Here is an alternative to gym membership. If you watch YouTube, you will see where you can do your workouts at home and save the expenses of a gym membership.


I know most people who have a bundle package with their cable company. The cable company provides landline phone service, internet access, cell phone service, and more.

You can find a less expensive service, or if you break up the bundle package and go to different vendors for each item, you can save money.

Cell Phone Plans

When was the last time you looked around for a cheaper service? Look around and see if there’s a more affordable service you can use.

Habitual Spending

Almost everyone has one or two things they purchase routinely. They don’t want it—it’s a habit. I’m thinking about Starbucks coffee and other expensive luxury items you don’t need or want; it’s just habit. You can save a lot of money by looking at what you are buying and deciding, do I want this, or am I wasting money on something I don’t care about?
Look for discounts and on-sale prices.

Looking for a less expensive way to live is a good use of time and effort. This is your money, and you work hard for it. You deserve to spend it where you want to.
Some people scoff at couponing saving you money, but it does work. If you want more money to invest, you can save a lot to add to your investment plan.

Sell What You Don’t Need.

As Americans, we accumulate too much stuff. Because of clutter, I have gone into houses where there’s no path to the next room. Too much junk lying around.
Many households have two or more cars. Do you need that many cars? I know you want them, but do you need them? Having a car is expensive, and getting rid of one will save you a lot of money. Public transportation is a good alternative.
How many TV sets do you need? Look at what you have and don’t need and get rid of it. I know a girl that has three TV sets. Why?

Car Insurance

We spend a lot of money on car insurance. Usually, you can shop around and get the same thing for less.

This is a partial list.

I wanted to make the point that we can find savings everywhere. All the money we spend and don’t need to is money we could have had for investing and creating a better future for ourselves and our families.

These are a few ways frugal living provides opportunities for investing. Save more and have more to invest.

Direct Your Money

Remember why you are living frugally and scrimping on the items you buy. You are looking for money to invest. The more you keep, the more you have to invest.


Frugal living provides opportunities for investing. When you live frugally, you look for ways to save money. You can redirect the money you were wasting to things that are important to you.

Douglas Antrim