How Frugal Living Enhances Self-Control 

How Frugal Living Enhances Self-Control 

I’m going to show you how frugal living enhances self-control. When you live frugally, you live deliberately. Meaning to live frugally, you need to change your behavior. You may need to stop doing something, or you may need to start doing something. In most cases, you need to stop wasting money on things that aren’t important to you. 

There is a difference between self-control and self-discipline. 

Self-control is all about starting or stopping a behavior.

Self-discipline is the steps you take to follow through on that change. 

Think of it as a two-step process. Self-control is the decision to start saving money. To make sure you do, you start living frugally. You know the benefits of living frugally, and you know you’ll save money. 

You realize you will need financial discipline. You’ll need to make rules and live by them to save money.  

Because you have started saving money, you begin to =appreciate little things=. 

Frugal living has a positive impact on the environment. When you live frugally, you consume less, requiring fewer materials to manufacture new. Because you are using use items like furniture, clothes, kitchen appliances, and so much more. Fewer products need to be manufactured.

Frugal Living Enhances-Self-Control

What Is Self-Control 

Self-control is about consciously directing your willpower to the desired outcome. Sometimes that means not doing something, like watching too much tv. Other times, it means being intentional or disciplined about doing something, like building good habits. 

Self-control is the control of your behavior, emotions, and impulses. 

Frugal living enhances self-control because you have to make decisions. You have to decide to stop doing something or start doing something. Sometimes it’s one and the same. 

If you decide to save money, that automatically means you will stop spending as much money.

How Frugal Living Enhances Self-Control 

Why Is Self-Control Important? 

It is essential because you need to be able to control impulses, emotions, and behaviors. 

If you are trying to save money, but every time you see something you want and can’t control yourself, you buy it. You won’t be able to save money. 

I know this is an oversimplification, but in many ways, it’s true. Think about the number of times you go into a convenience store to buy a cup of coffee or something to eat. How well did you plan that, or was it just a decision you made at the moment?

If you are trying to save money, you probably told yourself that’s not in my budget or Do I need that cup of coffee? I will be home in a few minutes. That’s your self-control.

In this case, self-control is important because you have decided to save money, and your thoughts are directing you to save money. 

Why Is Self-Disapline Important?

Self-discipline is the steps you take to follow through on the change. You know you want to save money, and that’s your decision. 

Self-discipline is the set of rules you make to accomplish your goal of saving money. Some of your limitations may be:

  • Use a budget
  • Use a spending journal
  • Look for waste
  • Deposit money on payday
  • Automate your saving so it’s done for you automatically

You can do these things to ensure success in your desire to save money. 

How Frugal Living Enhances Self-Control 

Back to the original question. How does frugal living enhance self-control? 

Frugal living enhances self-control because you need to make decisions to live frugally. 

I used saving money as an example, but there are other examples I could use. 

Because you have decided to save money and live frugally, there’s more to it than saving money. An offshoot of saving money is you have less money to spend. When you go shopping, you now see things in a different light. 

You realize you don’t have as much money to spend on a whim

You look for ways to stretch your dollars

You look to buy merchandise with the intention of it lasting longer (you look for quality)

You consider whether or not you need it or want it. 

And the list goes on. 

How To Improve Yourself-Control

Make small, realistic goals. As you accomplish your goals, you are more likely to keep working with the system because you are seeing your goals being achieved. 

Things you can do to help you succeed:

  • Practice not buying on a whim.
  • Practice delayed gratification. 
  • Is it in your budget?

Consider whether you need it. Use the 30-day rule. Wait for 30 days if you still want it. Work it into your budget and come back and buy it in 30 days or more. 

Practice delayed gratification. Don’t buy it just because you want it. Buy it only if it brings you joy and is within your budget or gets you closer to your goal. 

You can improve your self-control by practicing. Make a plan, avoid temptations, set realistic goals, and always remember the consequences of not using your self-control.


Frugal living enhances self-control because you need to make decisions. Not all of the decisions are about money. Some are about buying quality. You try to avoid cheap stuff because you have less to spend. And some decisions: do you need this or do you want this? Require you to think about your decision. 


Douglas Antrim