Tips To Help You Become A Super Saver

Tips To Help You Become A Super Saver

Have you ever thought about being a super saver? We all know there are benefits to having money in the bank. Being a super saver also has benefits. Some of the benefits may not be so obvious. 

Being a super saver  is knowing how to save money and what to do with it.

Anyone can save a large amount of money. And anyone can make saving a part of their life. You need to plan, set goals and live within your budget.

The most common savings are in what you waste. Reduce your waste, and you will be able to save more.

You can do this. 

Tips for for being a super saver

Tips To Help You Become A Super Saver

To be a super saver, you need to find ways to save money. The idea of being a super saver is to keep more than the average American. You can take small amounts out of your budget categories, and by adding them together, they become one large amount.

By saving and planning, you can have a better life and more money. Let’s get started.

Manage Your Money

Put Saving On Autopilot 

Putting your savings on autopilot is an easy way to save money. Contact your bank and find out the details of using their services to automatically transfer money from your checking account to your savings account.

While learning how to transfer money automatically from one account to another, ask about fees and service charges. Most banks don’t charge for this service. If your bank charges you, consider changing banks.

Eliminate Debt

Debt is terrible on many levels. It holds you, your money, and your future hostage. Consider this, If you didn’t have the debit you presently carry, what could you do with that money? If you are aspiring to be a supersaver, the answer is obvious. Save it for something you need or want.

Keep Track Of Your Spending

A budget is essential for planning your money. But a spending journal is as important because it will help you find money leaks in your budget and spending habits. 

Use a spending journal to track what you spend. When you make a purchase write down what you bought and what category the money came from. 

Using a budget and a spending journal together will help you make a good budget and help you keep track of your spending.

Transfer Your Debt 

I touched on debt earlier. One of the fastest ways to get out of debt is not to pay the interest. But you can’t just decide not to pay the interest. You can transfer your debt to a 0% credit card and pay that off before they start charging you interest. This can save you a lot of money.

Set Financial Goals 

Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 15 years, and more?  

Usually, short-range financial goals are a few months to a few years. Anything beyond a few years is considered to be long-range.

If you want to buy a house in 5 years, that would be a long-range financial goal.

Setting up a budget would be considered short-range because you can do it in a short period of time.

No Spend Month 

The idea of a no spend month is not to spend any money during that month. Most people can’t go for a month without spending some money. The no spend month becomes spending as little as you can for a month. There are no luxuries, just the bare essentials.

Most people decide before they start the challenge what they will and won’t buy. 

If you eliminate the luxuries like that special cup of coffee and eating out, and others, you can save quite a lot of money.

But you need to plan.

Retirement Pension 

Here is a program that’s frequently overlooked. If you make contributions to your retirement plan, you are already saving money probably each pay period. To increase your savings, contact your HR and find out how to increase the amount you contribute.

Loose Change

Change gets a bad rap. I know it makes holes in your pockets, and most people feel like it’s not worth the trouble to save.

If you are trying to save more money, and I mean a larger percentage of money, change can come in handy. 

If you save change all year long, you can end up with quite a nice chunk of money. Every little bit helps.

Save One Income 

If you are in a committed relationship, and both parties work, It would be advantageous to save one salary and live off the other.

Smart Spending

Smart spending is being wise with your money. We all know we will have an emergency one day, save for it, and open a savings account to keep for emergencies. 

Save for short and long-term goals.

Be mindful of what you are spending and will it help you get what you want.

Reward Credit Cards

I know I said earlier to become debt free. And using this system to earn a little more money, you will remain debt free. But you have to pay your credit card off each month. 

We have all heard of rewards credit cards. For every dollar you spend, you get back a certain amount of money, known as a reward. You get a reward for using that particular card.

Here’s how it works. Use your rewards credit card to make purchases. Before the credit card company charges you interest, pay it off. 

Most people use this system. Pay their balance off each Friday.

Loyalty  Store Cards

This is how loyalty cards work. They are a little like a  rewards credit card, but instead of giving you money, they give you free products. 

An example is convenience stores. After buying a certain amount of product from them, you are entitled to something free, usually of your choice. 

Although I discourage people from shopping at convenience stores because of the enormous price increase, if they give it to me for free, I’ll take it.

I used the local convenience store to buy gas, and after a few tanks of gas, I was entitled to a free coke or coffee.

Social Media Twitter And Facebook

Many companies post their promotions and advertisements on social media. Start looking for the ads and promos for what you usually buy.

The key to saving money on this is don’t buy it only because it’s cheaper. Buy it only because you would usually have purchased it anyway, but now it’s cheaper or less expensive.

Discount And Promo Codes And Cashback Sites

Most people remember moms or grandma couponing and saving money when shopping for groceries.

Thanks to technology, we no longer need to clip coupons, but we can still use the couponing idea to save money. 

We can receive discounts and promo codes when we purchase, and there are even cashback sites. 

These sites and many others will give your budget some wiggle room and extra money to spend elsewhere.

  • Rakuten
  • Ibotta
  • Swagbucks
  • Groupon
  • Amazon Coupons

Switching To Generic Brands

Did you know that most generics are made to the specification of the name brands?  When you buy generics, you essentially buy a name brand in a white-label box. The outcome of the meal is the same as the name-brand products.

If you buy a generic item and don’t like it as much as the name brand, You don’t have to buy that product again. 

But buying generics can save you a lot of money.

Priceline And Cheap Flights

Savings are everywhere. If you like to travel and want to save money, you’re in luck. There are many sites that sell everything you need to travel comfortably. Priceline and Cheap Flights are two that offer discounted flight fares.

Recently I saved over a thousand dollars using Priceline and Skyscanner. I was looking for a plane ticket to the Philippines. I found a cheap flight on Skyscanner and bought it on Priceline.  

There are so many online tools that will save you money.

Shop Around For Cheaper Gas

If you own a car or even borrow routinely (think mom and dad) and need to replace the gas you use. It will be worth your time to find the cheapest gas in town. I don’t mean quality-wise. I mean expense-wise.

There is never a good reason to pay too much for something. 

There are apps that will allow you to check the price of gasoline in real-time.

  • GasBuddy
  • Cheapgas any place USA
  • Waze
  • Wex Connect
  • UpSide
  • Google maps

Drive Less

It’s one thing to use gasoline that’s less expensive and to use no gas. One of them, you spend less on gas and the other, you pay no money on gas.

If you drive less, you can take up walking, jogging, or cycling for exercise and health.


Eating is not an option. We all need to eat to live, but we don’t need to pay top dollar for food. 

With all the shopping apps, coupons and discount code sites and promos you can save a lot of money on groceries.

The secret to saving money on these sites is to only buy what you would normally buy if you didn’t have the discount.

Eat Less

We are used to eating until we are full and some. Unfortunately, that’s how people gain weight. Not only are you wasting food, but you are becoming overweight, which has long-term health risks. Most people don’t know what one serving is or don’t care.

The point is we overeat. 

Learn what one serving is and eat only that. You’ll save money on your grocery bill and preserve your health.

If you eat at a restaurant, you can take some home for tomorrow and save more money.

Shopping Lists

If you use a shopping list, it will save you money in two ways 1. you won’t buy what’s not on the list. 2. you won’t need to make additional trips to the grocery store because you forgot something.

Shop Alone

Shopping is serious business, especially if you are trying to save money. The last thing you need are children trying to get you to buy something, not on your grocery list or an unwilling partner that would rather be doing something else. An uncooperative partner may try to have you purchase items, not on your shopping list.

Leave the distractions at home or where ever and go shopping and use your shopping list.

Eliminate Unnecessary Spend

Most people could afford to give up something to save money. I’m not talking about giving up all pleasures in life; I’m talking about the luxurious unnecessary things like the daily Starbucks coffee or coke. Maybe you need to quit playing golf every weekend and trim it down to one game every two weeks or once a month.

We all need to do more than work and go home and look at the four walls and do it all over again tomorrow. We do need to have some form of recreation, but we need to trim it down so we are not spending money unnecessarily. 

Review Your Direct Debits And Deposits

I know it sounds boring, but you should check your daily deposits and debits every day. People do make mistakes. Maybe it’s your mistake or someone else’s mistake, but if your account isn’t correct, you need to fix it.

Eliminate Food Waste

There are several ways we waste food. The food we throw away because we didn’t eat it for whatever reason. We pitch it into the trash.

Another way we waste food is by overeating. Most people eat until they have stuffed themselves, and not only is that a waste of food, but it’s also unhealthy. 

Be aware of what you throw away. Beware of how much you eat.

Don’t Auto Renew Services, Memberships, And Subscriptions

We need to review what we spend and why. The auto-renewal process is designed to keep the money going into the business.  It makes it easier for them.

We need to review everything we spend money on to eliminate waste. We must find the leaks in our finances where money just passes through and isn’t accounted for.

If you no longer use the service, cancel it and save money for something you need or want.


There are many tips to help you become a supersaver. Most of the time, it’s a matter of looking at what you are doing and justifying what you do. Do you really need a new car, or would a cheaper, less expensive car work just as well?

Think about turning off the lights when you leave a room. It’s not much, but every little bit helps.

Get a keep my money mindset and examine what you are doing and why.


Douglas Antrim